Black Music Productions SL

Black Music Productions is a booking agency who's aim is to promote the Black Music music scene of New Orleans in Spain, focusing on the hotest styles

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Black music is a term that includes all music produced or inspired by black people, including the Subsaharian musical traditions and the popular African music, also the African-American musical genres that arose during the slavery time which characterized the lives of the afroamerican population before the american Civil war. This genres include Jazz, Blues, Soul, Rock and Roll, Afrobeat and later Rap y Hip-Hop. The music was a way to express desires and needs which were ignored due to the hard social and political conditions. Some usages of the term have been criticized for referring to some musical genres through the race of their composers or interpreters, but is true that recently black music genres has increased a lot both the artists and the audience from any race. And that's because the black musical culture is extremely important for having a unifying character that breaks all barriers and crosses all borders. Music is a social cohesion element that unifies because, without taking into account the background and the personal experiences, everybody can appreciate the same song even people with different origins or opposite stories who don't have anything in common. Is a matter of tastes and opinions, nothing to do with intelectual arguments. The hability of music to act as a cohesion factor provides musical culture with a strong connectivity capacity.

In this sense, BLACK MUSIC PRODUCTIONS pretends to make known and and develop this music with soul, this music with this connectivity capacity, taking as a base, above all, the grat musical legacy of Africa and in US, the city of New Orleans.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2019
  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014


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