Mais Caipira
Trio Caipira


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Caipira Trio

Caipira: name with which the countryside inhabitant is defined. Equivalent to “labrego”, “aldeão” or “camponês” in Portugal’s Portuguese.
The origins of the word caipira are the tupi words caapora and curupira. Caapora’s literal translation would be inhabitant of the scrubland. Curupira, on the other hand, designates a fantastic being, a sort of demon that wanders the scrubland, that only as an offensive nickname could apply to the countryman.

Source: Câmara Cascudo, Brazilian folklore dictionary

Paulista (native of São Paulo) singer Suzana Salles, brasiliense (native of Brasília) tenor Lenine Santos and mineiro (native of Minas Gerais) guitar player Ivan Vilela, get together to present a wide repertoire of traditional Brazilian caipira music, inspired on famous 30, 40, 50 and 60`s twosomes and composers, such as Cascatinha and Inhana, Angelino de Oliveira, João Pacífico, Tião Carreiro and Pardinho, Elpídio dos Santos and Teddy Vieira. Classics such as Boi Soberano (Sovereign Ox), Beijinho Doce (Sweet Kiss) and Índia (Indian) are interpreted in a natural, direct and contemporary way, based on the research and references each musician has acquired throughout their own individual careers.

Setting off to their second album called, “Mais Caipira” (More Caipira), the Trio once again will work with traditional repertoire, through a very modern and contemporary language.