
production - booking - label
Musical connections between France and Brazil

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business contact
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production - booking - label
produção - booking - selo

Making connections between France and Brazil!
Un vent nouveau souffle entre la France et le Brésil!
Conectando a França e o Brasil!

Catavento is a structure created in 2009 by David Pereire and Carol Pamart in order to establish new cultural connections between France and Brazil.

Nowadays Catavento is the label / producer / booker for two emblematic artists of this 'French-Brazilian dynamic': Aurélie & Verioca and Chloe Deyme.

Booking agent : Marina Ferreira
+33 7 82 22 64 89

Catavento - 12 rue du Pôle Nord, 75018 Paris -
Siret : 51423879900019 - Licence : 2-1051420 - APE : 9499Z

participating in

  • WOMEX 2017


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