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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, Experimental
  • label:not signed
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Cooperativa de Musica

Founded in 2005, AZDI is a Brazilian group that recreates and performs music of Jewish origin from Eastern Europe and Spain. The musical styles stroll through Klezmer and Sefaradi with lots of Gypsy flavors, thus making a trip around the world. AZDI’s performance is filled with theatrical jokes and great interaction with the audience that thrills at the spontaneity of its members. The group is always looking for keeping a door open to contributions from each spectator’s own sensations and memories generated by the experience of the songs that are sung in Yiddish - a dialect which mixes ancient German with Hebrew - and Slavic languages such as Russian and Ladino, a dialect spoken by the Jews from Spain and Morocco, best known as Serafaditas.