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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, Instrumental
  • label:not signed
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Cooperativa de Musica


QUATERNAGLIA GUITAR QUARTET (QGQ) is widely acclaimed as one of the top contemporary classical guitar ensembles. QGQ is known for their artistic excellence and for their contributions to the expansion of the guitar quartet repertoire. Over the past fifteen years, the ensemble of Brazilian guitarists has established a broad canon of original pieces in which various composers, including Egberto Gismonti, Almeida Prado, Paulo Bellinati, Sergio Molina and Leo Brouwer have collaborated with the group. The quartet’s performance first attracted the attention of the international critics in 1998, after it was awarded the Ensemble Prize at the International Contest of Havana. The ensemble performed in several noted music series in the United States.