Dessous de Scène

Dessous de Scène is a company for musical production based in Paris and Annecy (France) which main activity is the organization of concerts and tours.

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public contact
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Dessous de Scène is a company for musical production based in Paris and Annecy (France) which main activity is the organization of concerts and tours.

Furthermore the company is now recognized as an actor among French producers and ensures the Tour-Management of artists such as Kill The Young, Luis Francesco Arena, Thierry Romanens, Tue-loup, Inga Liljeström, Doba. It also produces some young-audience concerts.

Dessous de Scène also acts as a booking agent exclusively in Switzerland in partnership with several French producers. More than 30 artists and groups among which les Ogres de Barback, Emily Loizeau, Abd’Al Malik or Jean-Louis Murat are represented by Bluekat, the Swiss branch of Dessous de Scene.

Apart from the Tour Management Dessous de Scène is also a label and a publisher.

Dessous de Scene is a member of the French union PRODISS and a member of producers association "Live Boutique" which gathers the main French producers.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2017
  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2015
  • WOMEX 2014
  • WOMEX 2013


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