"Dream She Is" - Joelle Khoury

Joelle Khoury


Sample track from Dream She Is by Joelle Khoury
  • 1 Part I
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  • artist:Joelle Khoury
  • featured artist:Fadia Tomb El-Hage
  • region:Middle East
  • release year:2008
  • style(s):Contemporary
  • country:Lebanon
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:eka3
  • label:eka3
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This work is the assertion of a woman’s will to live and express herself freely, beyond schisms and differences. To express a critical yet loving point of view of the world, a world that is slowly changing its point of view of women, offering them a new place to stand in, a bigger role to play than ever before.

A woman, an oriental woman, comes back home after having had to live several years abroad, due to the political situation in her country. She feels sort of lost and torn in her identity. Who is she? What role is hers in this society? Is she a French educated city girl? A jazz musician ? An intellectual ? A political activist ? A sex symbol ? A mother ? Is she just tender and sentimental? Is she a constant fighter seeking justice and equality? Who is she? A modern, active young person ? A Business woman ? Does she have to chose ? Who is she ? Is she Eastern? Is she western? How can she restrain her inner richness and multiplicity: a strong, beautiful, struggling woman trying to get in touch with her inner self, energetically yet lovingly, with all the generosity and power of a woman!