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Line up

  • Alejandro Antonio (double bass, rebab)
  • Alexandros Lafer (οud, saz, lavta, guitar)
  • Javier Kortinas ( riqq, bendir, percussion)
  • Laura Kortinas ( violin, vocals, guita)
  • Vangelis Youfkas (ney)


The band Azafrán delves into the composition of Modal music, fusing it with rhythms and harmonies of contemporary music.
The band, with members from Greece as well as Spain, delves into the composition of Modal music, fusing it with rhythms and harmonies of contemporary music.
Based on the idea that tradition is not something dead that needs to be rescued, but the result of human expression through the years, the five members of Azafrán use traditional instruments -out, violin, riqq, double bass, ney, saz, rebab, bendhir- as well as old musical languages -Makam- to create a bridge between East and West, between the past and the present.
This year 2016 they released their first album, "Luz de Algodón".