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Line up

  • BALOG József (vocals, guitar, lyrics)
  • KOVÁCS Krisztián (cajon)
  • KÜNSTLER Ágnes ( vocals, lyrics)
  • MOLNÁR Tamás ( saxophone, kaval)
  • RÓZSA Béla  (guitar)
  • SERES Vilmos (saxophone)


At The Crossroads Of The Gypsy Soul

The world-famous ex-soloists of 'Kalyi Jag' Hungarian Gypsy folk group, Jozsef Balog and Agnes Kunstler founded EtnoRom Ensemble in 2005. All members of the band are virtuoso masters of Gypsy music, who grew up singing and playing music and toured the world from Japan to the United States. Their music broke borders: it was celebrated world-wide as the 'first authentic Romany voice' from Middle-Eastern Europe. After twenty years of wanderings around the world, the foundation of EtnoRom is a sign- post at the musical crossroads of Jozsef Balog’s and Agnes Kunstler’s life, where traditional, rough Gypsy tunes and rhythms run into magical Gypsy jazz and swing, with exploding energy.