Harmonics Group


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business contact
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Harmonics Group is a European booking agency, taking a global approach of the European market. Dedicated to deliver the best tour schedules for Artists at the European level, providing coherent routing and gigs in every territory thanks to strong relationships with agents, festivals and venues all over Europe, including The UK. Mostly dedicated to the “World” music – from African, Reggae, R&B, Hip Hop, Funk, Spanish, Cuban, South American etc – our ambition is to build the best visibility in Europe for the artists we are working for, alongside the best profitability. Our hallmark characteristic is our ability to book Europe-wide tours, rather than territorial ones, enabling the best and profitable schedules for Artists who want to develop the European market.

participating in

  • WOMEX 2018
  • WOMEX 2013
  • WOMEX 2012
  • WOMEX 2011


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