The French Information and Resource Centre for Popular Music Forms (Rock, Pop, Jazz, World & Traditional Music, etc.)

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The Information and Resource Centre for Popular Music Forms (Centre d’information et de ressources pour les musiques actuelles - IRMA) is a none profit organization.

IRMA [*] is open to all involved in the music field, to inform, guide, counsel them, or to enable them to follow specialised training courses. IRMA is the interface between all the different components of the music sector in France, a true focus point for exchange, notably via : A network of 30 french and europeans partners . In terms of information, IRMA’s activity is mainly carried out through publications, courses, through counselling and reception, as well as its on-line services : IRMA publishes (in French language) and sells "L’Officiel de la Musique", a directory and guide, as well as many other directories, professional or thematic guides, totalling around twenty books which are currently available in our catalogue. The Training Department offers a yearly cycle of short courses in “Music Management and Administration” and a longer qualifying training course entitled “Production Management” with two separate specialisation fields : “Live Show Production” and “Record Production”. IRMA also makes its resources available to individuals (artists, musicians, business plan bearers, cultural mediators, research workers), via its documentation centre, personal guidance possibilities (on appointment), card-indexed data, and labels enabling the creation of selective mailings. As a continuation to the IRMA’s mission concerning the information of professionals, the web site proposes additional tools and services to all those seeking guidance in this activity sector : A selection of our database is available online in french through the “Address Book” function (find the exact address of several thousands of French contacts : record companies, artists, media, organisations, venues, booking agents, startups…). A specialised job and networking offer : Irmawork. A set of practical index-cards which endeavour to help sort out different aspects of the French legislation and work practices (in French). A library where one finds many official documents, reports or studies applied to the French music industry. A follow-up on professional news presented in "Actualités professionnelles" section (seminars, trade fairs, initiatives, official organization positions…). [*] IRMA is supported by the…

French Ministry for Culture Department for Music, dance, theater, and live performances
The FCM (Fonds à la Création Musicale) Fund for Musical Creativity ;
The SACEM (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique) The Author, Composer and Publisher’s Society ;
The ADAMI (Société pour l’Administration des droits des Artistes et Musiciens Interprètes) The Arstists’ and Performing Artists’ Rights’ Administration Body ;
The SPPF (Société civile des Producteurs de Phonogrammes en France) Record Industry Syndicate.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2016
  • WOMEX 2012
  • WOMEX 2010
  • WOMEX 2009
  • WOMEX 2004


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