"You ain't never" - Andy Aitchison Quartet

Andy Aitchison Quartet
You ain't never - front cover


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  • artist:Andy Aitchison Quartet
  • featured artist:Andy Aitchison
  • release year:2012
  • style(s):Jazz, Swing
  • country:United Kingdom
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Lejazzetal
  • label:Lejazzetal
  • publisher:Lejazzetal
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There can be little doubt that this band and the release of it’s first album will firmly establish Andy Aitchison up there alongside the leading violinists on today’s music scene. His command of the instrument is immense and he has developed a rich palette of musical colours -
expressive sounds such as those joyous double-stop riffs on a shout chorus or the light scraping of the bow on the strings at the end of a ballad – that give his music a conversational quality, that elusive feeling that he is speaking to just you alone.