
Musician Mikel Azpiroz founded "Mamusik" in 2006 to cover all the aspects of his "Do It Yourself" independent music making approach.

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"Mamusik" is an independent label founded by Mikel Azpiroz in 2006, when he was about to release "Elkano Browning Cream"'s debut album. Azpiroz's "Do It Yourself" approach involves all the aspects needed for an album release and band management: composing, recording, producing, distributing, managing, promoting and booking. It is a delicatessen label, with few but high quality album releases: four by "Elkano Browning Cream", Azpiroz's jazz/world band, along with french Franck Mantegari, and british Dave Wilkinson, and an intimate piano solo album by Azpiroz himself.

participating in

  • WOMEX 2014


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