Heloisa Fernandes

Heloisa Fernandes


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Pianist and composer, she started her studies with her mother at the age of 5. She studied piano with Paulo Bérgamo, Paulo Gori and, later, Gilberto Tineti. She is graduated in Instrument by the Musical and Dramatic Conservatory of São Paulo, with the maximum punctuation. He studied composition with Mário Ficarelli and Willy Correa; harmonics with Laura Abraão, and orchestration with the maestro Aílton Escobar. She studied orchestra regency at Tom Jobim Study Center with maestros Luiz Fernando Marchetti and Roberto Faria.
She acted actively with the erudite music as interpreter, showing up in various concerts, having participated in cameristic formations; workshops administered by the pianists Amílcar Zanin and Gilberto Tineti, besides the Orquestra Jovem do Estado (State Young Orchestra). During a Brazilian popular music research work consisted of piano in the XVII and XIX centuries, she prepared the instrumental track for the Música e Poesia (Music and Poetry) project (invited by Sesc Vila Mariana), with text of Machado de Assis, where she acted as pianist.
She studied and worked as a teacher at CLAM (Centro Livre de Aprendizagem Musical). The projects connected to the Brazilian instrumental popular music occurred in parallel. In 2001, she participated in the Prêmio Visa para Instrumentistas (Visa Award for Instrumentalists), being one of the five finalists awarded in the referred festival.
She acts in instrumental music projects as actor and instrumentalist with the percussionist Ari Colares and the pianist Benjamim Taubkin. In the program Vozes do Brasil (Voices of Brazil) of Rádio Eldorado, she was invited by the journalist Patrícia Palumbo to compose the instrumental track of the program from which she has participated with Guinga, Leila Pinheiro and Paulo Sérgio Santos. She also acted with the musicians Caito Marcondes,Teco Cardoso, Duofel and Vinícius Dorin, among others.
In 2004, she launched her first CD called FRUTO by the Maritaca label, an authorial work including arrangement for Pixinguinha and Caetano Veloso motives. Produced by Heloísa Fernandes and André Magalhães, with musical direction of maestro Gil Jardim, the CD counts with musicians like: Zeca Assumpção (counterbass ), Cláudio Cruz (violin), Alceu Reis (violoncello), Ari Colares, André Magalhães, Sérgio Reze (percussion and drums), Teco Cardoso (flutes) and Naná Vasconcelos (percussions and voice).
