Morgan Britos, S.L.

Morgan Britos,s.l. is a show business company, mainly dealing with management and booking of well-known Spanish artists.

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public contact
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business contact
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Morgan Britos,s.l. is a show business company, mainly dealing with management and booking of well-known Spanish artists such as: Jarabedepalo, Jorge Drexler, La Shica, Josemi Carmona, Manuel Carrasco, etc.
Additionally the company promotes foreign artists in Spain, producing and organising their tours.
Set up in Madrid in 1998, when it also became a member of A.R.T.E. ¡, it carries out its work in Spain as well as South America, the United States, and Europe.
Morgan Britos, s.l. is also in charge of the artistic production of the festival "Fuerteventura en Música", a World Music festival that takes place in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain) the first weekend of July since 2004.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2011
  • WOMEX 2007


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