Fawzy AL-AIEDY - Oriental world music

Fawzy AL-AIEDY - Oriental world music
Album Radio Bagdad
Fawzy Al-Aiedy - Radio Bagdad
Le groupe Radio Bagdad
Logo Fawzy Al-Aiedy


Text by Abu Nouwas - Music of Fawzy Al-Aiedy
These are just preview samples. You need a valid account and be logged in to hear the full tracks.
  • country:Iraq
  • region:Orient
  • style(s):Arabic, World
  • label:Institut du monde arabe / harmonia mundi
  • type:Band, Solo, Composer/Songwriter, Duo, Trio
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental, vocal
  • artist posted by:Musiques en Balade


FAWZY AL-AIEDY (Iraq / France)

World music, Arabic traditional music
Composer-Performer - Singer, Oud player


RADIO BAGDAD - Oriental Groove(4tet or 6tet)

TRIO/DUO/SOLO: Middle Eastern classical, popular and original music

ULTIME PRIERE: Oriental sacred songs (Trio)

EXIL MON AMOUR: Music, theatre & calligraphy (5tet or Trio)

Featuring high-quality musicians, Fawzy Al-Aiedy has performed Middle Eastern classical, traditional and sacred music next to original songs, exploring various musical territories between Orient and Occident, between the past and today. His shows from solo to 6tet have enchanted a varied public of all ages and origins.