"Furat" - Nizar Rohana Trio

Nizar Rohana Trio
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Nizar Rohana Trio


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  • artist:Nizar Rohana Trio
  • featured artist:Nizar Rohana, Matyas Szandai, Wassim Halal
  • style(s):Arabic, Contemporary
  • country:Netherlands
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Nizar Rohana
  • label:LopLop Records / Four in One
  • publisher:Nizar Rohana
  •   buy this record


The pieces in this recording reflect the quality of flow, captured through the image of the Euphrates River (Furāt). The civilizations and peoples that have lived along the river's course provide the themes for the compositions, from the Syrian city of Mayādīn to the ancient ruins of Al-Dālya, between the willow trees along its banks and through the Jūrjīnā rhythm cherished in Iraq.