"So Passions Can Sprout" - Azadeh Ahmadi

Azadeh Ahmadi


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  • artist:Azadeh Ahmadi
  • featured artist:Azadeh Ahmadi
  • region:Middle East
  • release year:2015
  • style(s):Persian Classical
  • country:Iran
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:PHM Records
  • label:phmrecords
  • publisher:phmrecords
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In our epoch, instrumental music, together with all the weird new-fangled improvements surrounding contemporary artists is truly a task of trial and error. Contemporary men, in the midst of all their modern assets (milieu) and tools inherited from the past (Classical Radif), wish to express that which does not make them embarrassed before their audience’s feeling. In this arena, there exists no “word” to pull the performer out of the abyss of abstraction and interpretation. Bearing a novel perception, you need courage to inspire a new design; having such a springboard in mind for taking your first musical step demands a controlled expertise so the audience do not smash the glass of your art life that is grasped in their hands of power and accompany your picks till the last moments of the performance; Because, in modern musical ambiance, the man’s diversity-seeking taste would get bored with monotony, in such a way that even if there is “sugar”, he won’t demand it , while it recurs. Despite all these miscellaneous types of selectivity, in the present album, the composer and performers have endeavored not to provide a detrimental musical product. So, it is to be hoped that this form of music will be highly acclaimed; this shall not happen unless the artist is stead-fast and potent. Such an outlook should be reinforced in the art society so affections can spring out, so passions can sprout…