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Mix Grill CD-DVD Box is the outcome of a common work between Via Lactea Agency and No Télé from Tournai.
It shows a colourful view of the everyday life of the transborder brassband “Orchestre International du Vetex”, and on its collaboration with Balkan artists. It is a fascinating boxed set which includes 2 DVD’s and 1 CD.

The first DVD “Balkan Banquets live” is a video recording of a Balkan Banquets’ concert in the theater of Courtrai. This one was produced by No Télé.

The second DVD “Balkan Souvenirs” mixes up a few documentaries and reportages:

- one from the No Télé journalist Chantal Notté, who wants to show how the collaboration between French, Walloon, Flemish and Serbian and Bosnian musicians works.

- one from Adela Jusic, in which she gives her own vision of a transborder adventure such as the Orchestre International du Vetex’ one. Which kind of opinion can someone who lives in Sarajevo have on a brassband like the Vetex?

- one from Ruben Deprez, one of the musicians who contributed to build the Vetex band. The film is about the evolution of this brassband and the difficulties generated by a collaboration between French, Walloon and Flemish musicians.

- one from the French film maker Céline Ader, who filmed the 1st Vetex tour in the Balkan in 2008.

The boxed set also contains a CD, “Audio Grillade” which is a selection of morceau recorded during the Concert in Courtrai. But also some new unheard morceau recorded in places like Novi Sad.

And to finish, a 40 pages book in which the accordion player Jean-Baptiste Lison, shows his way of seeing the Vetex' adventure.