The 28 songs on the new album ‘Total Tajine’ are all own compositions of the Orchestre International du Vetex, almost all of them composed by the French-Polish-Italian trompetplayer of the band Thomas Morzewski. Then again, saxophone players Lionel Raepsaet and Nathan Daems also delivered some tracks. In ‘Total Tajine’ the Orchestre International du Vetex strolls once more on their beloved path of excentric and festive brassmusic: Balkan, klezmer and ska, offcourse, but also tarantella, cumbia or reggae… And like always, Vetex keeps some space for melancholia too. ‘Total Tajine’ also is a brand new recipe of a real tajine, invented by cuisinier Jean-François Damien from Mouscron, right on the frontier between Belgium and France. To taste!