Watermelon Entertainment / World

A powerful label, booking agency and publishing company based in Switzerland

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Watermelon Entertainment was created in 2003 by two partners which cumulates more than twenty five years of experience in the entertainment industry. We have a great knowledge in music production industry, artist management, marketing and promotion of projects. Our experience in event organization and production allows us to be a powerful booking & touring agency.

Our company is established in the State of Fribourg, Switzerland and our activities are mainly directed on Swiss and international markets.

Watermelon Entertainment manages various musical labels (World, Indie, Kids, Chanson & Special projects), an promo and booking agency, a publishing company (Galak Music) as well as a recording studio (Eko-Danse).

We can offer a wide palette of services adapted to the needs of your projects and artists. We of course looking for dynamic partners in order to continue to develop our international business. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2012


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