YOU Entertainment LLC (Head office)

You Entertainment is a relatively new company established by Clarence Smith , the founder and CEO of Essence Magazine and Media. We have offices...

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public contact
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business contact
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You Entertainment is a relatively new company established by Clarence Smith , the founder and CEO of Essence Magazine and Media. We have offices in Rio, NYC and L.A. Our primary mission at this years WOMEX is to license our fine product worldwide... and check out what is available for N America. We are looking for just about anything, high quality that has an African, jazz, gospel, r&b feel to it.

ALSO, if you have spiritually uplifting music with a fierce beat, this includes Celtic, come to us !

WE music need dvds for distribution in N America

Thanks you, merci, danke, grazie, gracias and so on.



participating in

  • WOMEX 2005


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