Filarmônica de Pasárgada

Filarmônica de Pasárgada


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, MPB
  • label:Coaxo do Sapo
  • type:Band, Small Ensemble, Large Ensemble
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:vocal, singer songwriter, jazz combo, pop group, unplugged
  • artist posted by:Akamu SAS

Line up

  • Filarmônica de Pasárgada


The Filarmônica de Pasárgada´s band was formed at 2008 by students of the music graduate course at ECA-USP. The group won the 17th edition of the competition Programa Nascente, lauched annualy by USP, the I Song Festival, at Unicamp, and the 41st National Song Festival (FENAC) with the song "O seu tipo". The band was given the prize at many festivals such as FAMPOP, Botucanto, MPB Festival at the Tatuí conservatory, and the Ilha Grande Music Festival, at the state of Rio de Janeiro. In 2011, the group was selected for the full length album recording prize by ProAC (Cultural Action Program), launched by the São Paulo Municipality. Thus, it releases its first full length CD, O Hábito da Força, in 2012, produced by Alê Siqueira, graphically designed by Guto Lacaz, with participations of Luiz Tatit, Ná Ozzetti, Cerqueira, Kassin, and Lurdez da Luz, releasing by the label Coaxo do Sapo.