Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu, Rameau - Sibaris

Rameau - Sibaris
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Sibaris came into being in the mists of Fontainebleau. Each year, the Court would take up residence at the palace for the duration of the hunting season ; And some of the Menus Plaisirs would go along to provide musical entertainment. The autumn concerts at Fontainebleau marked, so to speak, the begininig of the lyric season. And, in the year 1753, far from the Querelle des Bouffons, which was raging in Paris, Rameau’s music was apparently very much in favour. Indeed, the works presented before the King that year were two pastorales héroïques by Rameau, Daphnis et Eglée et Lycis et Délie, and an acte de ballet entitled Sibaris. Each of the three pieces, performed in the large room known as the « salle de la cheminée », used the same light, original instrumental and vocal forces. In turn, we have used them as our inspiration for our own performance. The French National Archives give precise details of the artists taking part and their wages. The orchestra included a number of fine virtuosos, one of whom was the flautist Blavet. In Sibaris we find a part written specially for him by Rameau.

article posted by:Manuela Matalon Ostrolenk, Arion Music
