"Thierry Machuel Le compagnon des étoiles" - Quint et Sens

Quint et Sens
  • artist:Quint et Sens
  • region:Central Europe
  • release year:2018
  • style(s):A Cappella, Contemporary
  • country:France
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Arion Music
  • label:Arion Music

Quinte et Sens was created in June 1999 in Toulouse, France. Originally composed of five singers, this ensemble now brings together eight passionate lovers of a capella vocal music. In its early concerts, the ensemble proposed programs that mixed Renaissance and Baroque music with contemporary music. For several years, the octet has devoted itself to music of the 20th and 21st centuries, its favorite repertoire. In 2013, Quinte et Sens met Thierry Machuel and from this encouter, followed by others, was born Le Compagnon des Étoiles. Patrick Sublaurier has been the musical director of the ensemble since its creation.