Alba Carmona
Alba Carmona
  • country:Spain
  • style(s):Flamenco, Folk
  • label:Chesapik
  • type:Composer/Songwriter
  • gender:female
  • artist posted by:Art & Danza Promotions


Alba Carmona García (born 27 July 1984) is a Spanish singer-songwriter trained as a flamenco singer and singer of traditional music and world music. Alba Carmona was the vocalist of the musical group Las Migas, from 201, following the release of Silvia Pérez Cruz. According to some reviews, a fresh air, a more scoundrel touch and more flamenco to the formation. In 2016 she toured with Las Migas in the United States, Canada, Jamaica and Cuba. In November 2016 they presented the group's new album: Vente Conmigo with Alba Carmona as vocals. In February 2018 he left the group to pursue her solo career.
In her latest show, "Canciones del Folklore" she pays homage to popular songs based on traditional Spanish music and flamenco, travelling to other parts of the world without losing the common essence of oral tradition. With her contemporary twist on Sephardic, Andean, Latin American and Spanish songs, Carmona transmits the richness and personality of traditional oral music.