"Mody i Kody (Modes and Codes)" - Orkiestra świętego Mikołaja

Orkiestra świętego Mikołaja
cover Modes&Codes


Polish folk song
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polish folk
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  • artist:Orkiestra świętego Mikołaja
  • featured artist:Bogdan Bracha, Marcin Skrzypek, Anna Kołodziej, Agnieszka Kołczewska, Weronika Kijewska
  • release year:2016
  • country:Poland
  • formats:CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Association of Folk Music Animators
  • label:Dalmafon
  • publisher:Dalmafon
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Life is creative continuation. “Modes & Codes” are the continuation of tradi¬tion in our lives thanks to creating music it inspires. Listeners ask us, how this music comes to being, from inspirations to a final song? May the title of this CD explain that a little.
Mode has two meanings in Polish: fa¬shion or shortening from “modifiction”, well-known among game players, one computer game can have many modes. Mode is a sign of times. We have always tried to find the right mode for playing a traditional song but it is only now that we can name this process. By codes we understand – apart from the source code of Polish tradition – two characteristic musical codes: well¬-worn folk hits known from so-called “song and dance ensembles” as well as chanting which is now popular in its hip-hop or ragamuffin versions but was always present in traditional perfor¬ming art on the border of speaking and singing. Thanks to this combination we managed to make quite simple and me¬lodious pieces which describe particular situations or stories, an unusual thing in traditional folk music.
We used to move away from how tra¬dition was treated by “song and dance ensembles” and Folk Industry Headqu¬arters (we had such an institution in Polish People’s Republic). In fact the whole contemporary folk movement was established in opposition to it. However, the codes of that music are solid. It is enough to change their modes to discover them again. Anyway, retelling old themes and topics again and again, in the way one can and likes to, is what it is all about. In order to – like Scheherezade – keep alive.