"Palokankaan poikien parempi valssi" - Frigg


This beautiful waltz, which will open the upcoming album Perintö /Heritage, is played as a siliavalssi (smooth waltz*), as part of the local purppuri* tradition of Kaustinen. This tune is part of the standard repertoire of every local fiddler. The song’s title ’The Better Waltz of The Palokangas Boys’ refers to the musical series of brothers that originated from the Palokangas house in the village of Tastula, Kaustinen. One of the brothers, Kalle Tastula (1870–1936), was especially fond of the tune. In addition to his work as a shoemaker, Kalle was also a skilled fiddle player and played at many weddings in Kaustinen and the surrounding area.

*The name of the smooth waltz siliavalssi means that the dance does not sway like a waltz usually does but progresses in a ”smoother” manner. The smooth waltz characteristic of Kaustinen is one of the most demanding partner dances in folk dance, as the step is four beats long, even though the music is three beats per measure. It is said that the best siliavalssi dancers were tested by making them dance with a plate on their heads.

*Purppuri is a multi-part dance medley that has been danced mainly in Western Finland and Ostrobothnia. Purppuri was a popular wedding dance in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and has remained a living tradition until the 1950s.