European Summer Tour 2019

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  • country:Colombia
  • region:Bogota
  • style(s):Cumbia, Electronic
  • label:Discos Fiera
  • type:Trio
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:vocal, electronic, percussion, woodwind
  • artist contact:CA Musica

Line up

  • Diego Veira (Producer, keytar, electronics)
  • Juanpordios (Frontman, vocals, gaita, electronics)
  • Yeyo Vasquez (Percussions)

Behind ACIDO PANTERA there are Juanpordios, Diego Veira, coming from Bogota, the city with the most exhilarating musical scene in Latin America nowadays; and Yeyo Vasquez from Barranquilla, the city with the most recognized Carnival in Colombia. Their music invokes the energy of the Tropic. Their approach to the tropical music and their connection with the ongoing electronic movement arisen in Bogota, has evolved into Latin Electronic Music.

They explore the past but are also strongly linked with the new sounds. What relates the traditional and the modern in ACIDO PANTERA's music is the energy: They create powerful sound atmospheres, using the vitality of traditional music like percussions and colombian gaita (kuisi flute) but also a pulsating mix of electronic synthetizers.

Acido Pantera
Sonora Festival Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Juanpordios at Sonora Festival Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Diego Veira at Sonora Festival Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Yeyo Vasquez at Sonora Festival Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Latin Club/Panama Denbow
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