Caprice Records
A label specializing in Jazz, Folk, World and Classical music with more than 50 years in business.
A label specializing in Jazz, Folk, World and Classical music with more than 50 years in business.
A label specializing in Jazz, Folk, World and Classical music with more than 50 years in business. At Caprice Records we are proud to be able to say that most Swedish professional musicians in the genres we represent have at one time or other taken part in our recordings. Caprice Records is part of Statens Musikverk (Swedish Performing Arts Agency).
Among our most recent releases in 2022 we have two new folk acts: Ulrika Gunnarson/Mia Marine/Tina Quartey - Södling Sessions and also new band Ljus och lykta.
Other releases from the last couple of years include the 2CD compilation Music from all corner of the world, the LP reissue of Jazz Furniture (featuring Esbjörn Svensson, Dan Berglund, Magnus Öström, Per Texas Johansson and Fredrik Ljungkvist) from 1994, and the mixture of folk and baroque in Lynx Ensembles debut CD Baroque Tales.
In 2019 two albums, Folk och Rackare and Rackarspel, with Carin Kjellman and Ulf Gruvberg, has been reissued. Honorary prize recipients at the 2018 Folk and World Music Gala – Carin Kjellman and Ulf Gruvberg are legends, both as folk musicians and for their doubly educational efforts as radio hosts and editors on the Swedish Radio.
Also in 2019 the Swedish Grammy Award winning album Folk by eminent jazz group Oddjob was released in LP format. In 2000 we also released the reissue of Rena Ramas (Bengt Berger, Bobo Stenson, Palle Danielsson and Lennart Åberg) Live album (from 1975).