Otava Yo


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  • country:Russian Federation
  • style(s):World
  • label:CPL Music
  • type:Band
  • artist posted by:Charmworks

Line up

  • Aleksei Skosyrev (guitar, vocals)
  • Alexey Belkin (bagpipe, vocals, gusli, fife)
  • Dmitrii Shikhardin (fiddle, vocals)
  • Iuliia Usova (violin, vocals)
  • Petr Sergeev (bass drum)
  • Timur Sigidin (bass guitar)


Steaming out of St Petersburg in white vests, a peasant dress, ushankas on head with ear-flaps akimbo, Otava Yo bring the proud traditions of Russian folksong to the digital age, causing mass outbreaks of circle-dancing and Slavic pogoing on the dancefloor. Lyrical gusli, global guitar, wailing bagpipes, energetically expert dual fiddle-scraping, pumping bass and pounding drum, driving songs of rural romance, heroic sailors, goats and pancakes, delivered with casual wit and bursts of ensemble choreography. They premiered their fourth album at Womad-Russia in 2013. They have performed at major European folk festivals and as far afield as Mexico and India. They have met the President of Estonia and received an award from the Bratislava Humour Academy. They play Russian-Gothic R&B, amongst other things. It must get hot under those ushankas.