Mec Yek

Mec Yek
MecYek ©Alex Vanhee
MecYek ©Alex Vanhee


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Line up

  • Bart Maris (Trumpet, Tuba)
  • Katia Pohlodkova (Vocals)
  • Mathias Laga (Clarinet, sax)
  • Mathieu Verkaeren (Double bass)
  • Mielka Pohlodkova (Vocals)
  • Piet Maris (Accordion, vocals)
  • Theo Raballand (Drums, percussion)


Mec Yek is a group of Slovakian and Belgian
musicians that started an import and export of
musical repertoire from and to Eastern Europe and
the Balkan, with a special love for gypsy songs in
Romanes (a gypsy language). It features Piet Maris
on accordion and vocals, Mathieu Verkaeren on
double bass and Mattias Laga on soprano sax,
clarinet and bass clarinet. Two young Romani
singers, Mielka and Katia Pohlodkova, complete the
band. The name Mec Yek stems from the Romanes
mek yek, which means: one more.


"Super Diver City" - Mec Yek

"Taisa" - Mec Yek


Mec Yek

Mec Yek

Mec Yek

Mec Yek