"cj006 - "FOOFANGO"" - Foofango

  • artist:Foofango
  • region:West Africa
  • release year:1999
  • style(s):Afro, Jazz
  • country:Burkina Faso
  • formats:Book, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Contre-Jour
  • label:CONTRE-JOUR sprl
  • publisher:Contre-Jour
  •   buy this record


Musicians :
Pierre Vaiana (B)
Zoumana Dembele (Burkina Faso)
Desire Some (Burkina Faso)
Alain Niame (Cameroun)
Boris Tchango (Togo)

Foofango means the breath of life in foulfouldé the language of the peuls of Burkina Faso. Our friends peuls will seek traces of their culture in this album and will perhaps not find them. However they are there, like wire of color woven and mixed with the multiple influences (African, European, American, and so on.) who nourished this music and contributed to create this single fabric.

1. Sinte Konofe
2. Checker
3. Iburamina / Biiga / Killa Nanna
4. Blues Pousière
5. Simple Cymbal Sample
6. Michel Mergaerts
7. Base Seba (part1)
8. Ekie
9. Woloba Bognie