Leonardo Costa

Leonardo Costa


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  • country:Brazil
  • region:São Paulo
  • style(s):Brazilian, Instrumental
  • label:not signed
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist posted by:Cooperativa de Musica


Born in 1982, LEONARDO COSTA started his musical career in 1998 as an acoustic guitar player, being a member of several music groups in the interior of São Paulo. He started writing music at the age of 15 when he still lived in a farm in the countryside and his compositions are heavily influenced by Brazilian composers such as Tom Jobim, Milton Nascimento, Moacir Santos, Villa-Lobos and Guinga. He has been producing musical arrangements, directed theatrical plays, recorded compositions with his own instrumental group and performed concerts with a repertoire of his own. In 2009 he fulfils one of his projects: a series of concerts gathering 16 new acoustic guitar players in São Paulo.