Photograph Eric Berteau


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  • country:Canada
  • region:Québec
  • style(s):East European, Klezmer
  • label:not signed
  • type:Large Ensemble
  • instrumentation:instrumental, woodwind, brass, unplugged
  • artist posted by:Danielle Lefebvre Artist & Concert Agency


The instrumental creature known as Oktopus extends its creative tentacles across the landscape of East European music with an effervescent concoction of new and reinvented elements of the repertoire. The band’s exuberant harmony of bows, keys, valves and mouths strikes a chord in music lovers’ hearts, bringing pure joy to audiences in quest of memorable evenings, festive occasions and other momentous celebrations. The music of Oktopus is a fabulous witch’s brew of traditional East- European melodies blended in with classical masterpieces and a sprinkling of Quebec song for good measure, a Quebecois take on a sort of classical-balkanized klezmer. It is, in a word, spec-ten-tacular!