Dissidenten Album - Germanistan


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Rehearsals Dissidenten & KCP Bangalore
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Dissidenten - Germanistan

Recorded in Bangalore and Munich, 1981
With easyness Dissidenten and Karnataka College of Percussion introduce rhythmic metres and melodies which so far had been alien to the Western ear. Without torturing the listener with academic approach they connect a millenium-old tradition with the modern language of Western popular music.
"Germanistan" is a remarkable document and still a timeless juwel. It remains one of the most important East-West fusion albums on account of Dissidenten's profound understanding of Indian culture.

The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music


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Dissidenten and Karnataka College of Percussion. CD-Remix of their legendary first album
Recorded in India and Munich 1981, remixed in Germany 1993

Dissidenten and Karnataka College of Percussion met first in 1979 at the international Jazzfestival of Calcutta/India.
This was the beginning of a longlasting musical friendship which was to lead them together through all continents. After concerts in India and Europe, "Germanistan was recorded in 1982.
"Germanistan" documents one of the most outstanding meetings of musical worlds, long before "World-Music" became an international boom. It marks the first mile stone on the career of Dissidenten.
With easyness Dissidenten and Karnataka College of Percussion introduce rhythmic metres and melodies which so far had been alien to the Western ear. Without torturing the listener with academic approach they connect a millenium old tradition with the modern language of Western popular music.
In India they became, next to John McLaughlins' "Shakti" the most outstanding exponents of intercultural cross-over. Numerous concerts live and in Indian Radio and TV made them famous all over the sub-continent.
"Germanistan" is a remarkable document of these times and still a timeless juwel.

Through meanwhile sophisticated modern studio-technology this remix gained faszinating space and clearness and shows how much Dissidenten where ahead of the "World-Music"- trend which was to start many years after "Germanistan".