"América Sinécdoque" - La Otra Esquina

La Otra Esquina
América Sinécdoque


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Ft. Chalupa Travel y Diego Ortiz de 4 Cabezas
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  • artist:La Otra Esquina
  • featured artist:La Fragua, Estación Caribe, Chalupa Travel, Ferales y Zatélithe
  • region:Medellin
  • release year:2019
  • style(s):Rap, Alternative
  • country:Colombia
  • formats:Audio File / Digital
  • record posted by:Estudio Retro S.A.S.


The Monroe Doctrine "America for the Americans" was a geopolitical outburst of the United States that circumvented the self-determination of the peoples and involved the interference of the superpower in the policies of each Latin American nation. Years after the military dictatorships, the social and economic consequences are still being felt. Inequality and injustice are the status quo of the peoples of Central and South America; In this order of ideas "Latin America, for Latin Americans" from the recognition of our syncretic and pluricultural identity