The Basque Music Office, Musika Bulegoa, is a strategic project in which people from the music sector join forces and collaborate in promoting and improving musical activities in the Basque County. It is an eminently cultural project, centred on music created in the Basque Country. The main objectives are: to construct a space for people from the world of music to come and meet and use the services on offer; to brand and support music from the Basque Country in such a way that it projects an image of quality, and to build a tool that make it possible to develop actions and projects of a general interest.
EHMBE (Euskal Herriko Musika Bulego Elkartea) is the name of the association supporting the Basque Music Office.
Initial association members are Kultura Live (the association of private venues in the Basque Country); MIE (Musika Industria Elkartea); Musikari (The Basque Musicians Association) and Musikagileak (Euskal Herriko Musikagileen Elkartea – the Association of Basque Composers).
Nevertheless, the initiative is open and encourages all interested parties (both individually and as a group) who are involved in musical activities in the Basque Country, identify with its aims and want to take part in its structure or activities, to come and join in.
Because Musika Bulegoa is such a cultural, joint and open idea, right from the outset it has received Basque Government support, in this way guaranteeing the continuity of the objectives and collaboration dynamics developed over recent years.