Marcus Siqueira

New record release concert

Marcus Siqueira
CD Contraluz


In this special release concert of the CD "Contraluz", the composer Marcus Siqueira offers a visit to four of the seven trios present on the record, a piano and violin duo ("Bouquet"), "Teclas nº4", an unheard work for solo piano based on the characters Caliban and Ariel from Shakespeare's play "The Tempest", and, at last, Siqueira's firstwork written for live electronics "PrigionieridiunsognonelleCarceridiPiranesi", for violin, flute, clarinet and piano. It's a setlist that illustrates the quality of the tracks presented on "Contraluz", showing to the audience some of its musical scenarios.

"Contraluz" is a release by SESC Label, with executive production by ÁguaForte and music production by Thiago Cury.