Mohammad Reza Mortazavi

Live at ARTE-Lounge: Mohammad Reza Mortazavi - Liberation

Live at ARTE Lounge
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  • country:Iran
  • region:Middle East
  • style(s):Percussion
  • type:Solo
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:instrumental
  • artist

Line up

  • Mohammad Reza Mortazavi (Tombak, Daf)

Saturday 29/10/11 13:00 | Forum Copenhagen: Daycase Stage

Mohammad Reza Mortazavi is an unique Solo-Percussionist from Iran, living and working in Berlin, who invented many completly new techniques to play handdrums and created over the years his very own kind of music. Mortazavi is not only using the traditional Tombak and Daf as rhythmic instruments. But he creates pieces of a melancholic concentration supported by harmonies and multivoiced sound structures, which add an associative structure full of images and narrative dialogues to his compositions. His concerts a very successfull all over the world from places like the Berlin Philharmonie to big Clubs and Festivals. Now he is on WOMEX 11 DAYSHOWCASE ON SATURDAY

Mohammad Reza Mortazavi
Mohammad Reza Mortaazvi by C MEYERORIGINALS
Mohammad Reza Mortaazvi by C MEYERORIGINALS


Live recorded solo performance with TOMBAK
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