Francisco Pellegrini

Pianist and Composer

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The pianist and composer Francisco Pellegrini was born in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Started his musical studies at the age of 8, and with 14 began to play professionally. Worked with renowned artists as Milton Nascimento, Roberto Menescal, Sérgio Ricardo and Maria Gadú. In 2011 released his first album, ‘Três’, and three years later his second one, ‘Piano solo’, with compliments by Egberto Gismonti and Stefano Bollani.
In 2018 released his two new projects: ‘Delicado’, a duo with the Portuguese singer Fernanda Paulo; and ‘Los Viajes de Chico’, a multicultural quintet.

participating in

  • WOMEX 2018


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Los Viajes de Chico
