Tonada Bullerengue
Tonada Bullerengue
Tonada Bullerengue


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Tonada Bullerengue
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  • country:Colombia
  • region:South America
  • style(s):Folk
  • label:GAMA ART BIZ
  • type:Band
  • gender:male, female
  • instrumentation:vocal, percussion
  • artist posted by:Gama Creativos

Line up

  • Camilo Romero (Percussion Tambora)
  • Diego Balvuena (Chorus)
  • Diomedes Mesa (Vocal)
  • Febe Merab (Vocal)
  • Isaac Mejía (Maracas)
  • Jaime Consuegra (Tambor Alegre)
  • Mathieu Ruz Lubo (Voice)
  • Mayra Martinez (Vocal, dancer)
  • Ricky Matute (Tambor Llamador - Percussion)
  • Stefani Cotera (Vocal)


TONADA was born in 2014, with the intention of safeguarding and preserving the musical heritage of the Colombian Caribbean, through a young and stylized sound, but strong, without losing the language and sense of the musical roots that inspire them. It is the mix between tradition and academy, the sound of TONADA mixes the ancestral with the current, voices formed by making traditional music, which takes the bullerengue to another interpretive level
THE SINGED DANCES, specifically the BULLERENGUE airs, are the rhythms that TONADA interprets, their own compositions that are the result of personal experiences and a very close relationship with the country's bu / erenguera tradition.