"Ik Had Me Het Leven Anders Voorgesteld" - Eléonor & Gerry De Mol

Eléonor & Gerry De Mol
Artwork album Ik Had Me Het Leven Anders Voorgesteld by Eléonor & Gerry De Mol
Artwork remix Despreocupados by Eléonor & Maíra Freitas


This remix is a collaboration between Eléonor eand Maíra Freitas
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  • artist:Eléonor & Gerry De Mol
  • featured artist:Eléonor, Gerry De Mol, Maíra Freitas, Pedro Amparo, Pablo Carvalho, Lara Rosseel
  • region:Western Europe
  • release year:2021
  • style(s):Acoustic, Vocal
  • country:Belgium
  • formats:Audio File / Digital, CD (Compact Disc)
  • record posted by:Huygens, Jolan
  • label:-I-C-U-B4-t-
  •   buy this record


It has been a 100 years since the Dutch poet Jan.Jacob. Slauerhoff published his first poems. Today his voice resounds in the music of Eléonor and Gerry De Mol from Belgium who released their album on March 19, 2021 on the occasion of Unesco’s World Poetry Day (March 21st, 2021).

Eléonor & Gerry De Mol found each other in the passion they share for poetry and music from the whole wide world and this is where they set off their journey into Slauerhoff’s work. Slauerhoff was a restless soul who spent his life searching for a home and for a perfect woman, for affinity and peace. But without ever being able to resist his yearning for adventure. These longings echo in his inspiring lyrics and have now been recorded by Eléonor and Gerry De Mol who guide their audience on the same exotic journeys Slauerhoff made so many years ago. De Mol touches a southern string on his many instruments, breathing the sounds of fado, samba, bossa and chanson!

They released the song 'Despreocupados' as a spin-off of this album. It is a collaboration with Brazilian singer Maíra Freitas (daughter of Martinho da Vila) who translated the original poem by Slauerhoff into Portuguese. On the track the percussion is played by Pedro Amparo and Pablo Carvalho recorded in Rio de Janeiro during this pandemic. The song speaks about the hypocrisy of the elite and how they don't care about the people, their history and their country. It is a unique dialogue between 2 singers who sing in their native languages: Dutch (Eléonor) and Brazilian Portuguese (Maíra Freitas). 'Despreocupados' was featured on editorial playlists from Spotify and Deezer.