Iva Bittova


A violinist, singer and composer for whom there are no limits in music, one of the most outstanding and most original personalities in the present-day Czech music. All her musical expressions became important events not only on the Czech musical scene. She achieved the most distinct recognition on the worldwide scale from all Czech artists (number of successful concerts throughout Europe, the USA and Japan, universal interest in her albums). Iva Bittová was born in 1958 in a music family and she lives in a small village called Lelekovice near Brno. She graduated from dramatic conservatory. She is a double holder of the prestigious prize of the Academy of Popular Music for 1996 in the category of a female signer of the year and alternative music scene. Bittová rejects to be pigeon-holed, Bittová created an original and quite individual music style, which she describes as “my private folk music”.