The Music of Compromise

The Music of Compromise
Listening, respect and responsibility


Music is a group activity that happens in ‘real’ time with a common single goal:
To reach a shared plane of consciousness, that musicians like to call the ‘ZONE’.

Musicians understand how to reach the ‘Zone’ within minutes if not seconds, and once there can maintain a high level of concentration, creativity, improvisation and discipline; Work becomes play.


There are ‘laws’ in music that are as total as the law of gravity: If a note vibrates at 440 cycles a second the same note will repeat itself at 880 cycles a second (the pitch will be higher). From this we can understand that the ‘tools’ and techniques musician use to make music are constants and thus applicable in all walks of life.


The tools music offers us reveal a clear path to understanding universal laws of behavior and our potential to build the ‘world’ we seek.

These tools can be applied in any social environment, complex work environment or confused situation and help develop additional techniques to improve the creative and development process.


By experimenting with a few simple musical exercises, and discussing the concept of compromise as a path to mutual success and self-awareness, harmony and rhythm can flow in any space.
To keep it active you only have to continue listening to music…


By appreciating that music is a ‘continuous’ event in nature and works according to physical laws it is possible to appreciate what the tools are that enable musicians to create spontaneously and access the ‘Zone’.
By employing these techniques in a non-musical environment, people working together will be empowered to access the ‘Zone’, reaching a state of balance and harmony.

‘The Music of Compromise’

Listening, respect, responsibility: these are the fundamental tools that enable a group of people to achieve a common objective while maintaining a high level of mutual respect for one and other.

We learn to compromise and maintain our integrity.

When viewed thru the ‘eyes’ of music- an art form everyone enjoys - it becomes easier to adopt the tools and enjoy working with them and incorporating them into our everyday work patterns.

© Mark Smulian 2009

article posted by:Mark Smulian, Jamaa / New Sound Foundation