Septeto Santiaguero - release single

septeto Santiaguero single
New album Septeto Santiaguero
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Septeto Santiaguero single “Hay un runrún…” will be released on iTunes on october 31. From october 31 till november 7 it will be free to download through the pages ( ) y José Alberto El Canario ( )
The CD “No quiero llanto – Tributo a Los Compadres” produced by José Alberto, "El Canario"with Oscar D´ León, Eliades Ochoa, Andy Montañez, Aymee Nuviola, Ismael Miranda, Tiburón Morales, Edwin Bonilla, el Grupo Esencia and others will be on sale january 27, 2015.

article posted by:Eli Silvrants, Jazzconexion
