Miroca Paris ft Mamani Keita: new single!

Mandinga ma Mescrinha by Miroca Paris single cover
Video still Mandinga ma Mescrinha by Miroca Paris
Video still 2 Mandinga ma Mescrinha by Miroca Paris
Miroca Paris - Mandinga shoot by Tadeu Tagod

Mandinga ma Mescrinha - Miroca Paris launches a statement first single of his upcoming album BIA: celebrating deep African roots, inspired by the famous carnival of his city Mindelo, Cabo Verde.

With Mandinga ma Mescrinha Miroca invites you to a scene that made a lasting impression on him growing up on the Atlantic islands of Cabo Verde. Each year his island comes alive with a renowned, elaborate, colorful Carnaval that also has a darker element.
In honor of their West African continental ancestors the locals dress up as Mandinga's - painted in black, wearing nose rings, waving with swords - terrifying and chasing children away. Similar festivities take place all over the Caribbean (like Jab Jab in Trinidad & Tobago).

In this upbeat track that connection to the continent is emphasized through the collaboration with special guest Malian star vocalist Mamani Keita, through rhythms of the mainland, lyrics sung in Bambara and the characteristic sounds of the Ngoni.

article posted by:Miriam Brenner, Kokako Music
