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  • country:Colombia
  • region:Medellin
  • style(s):Poetry, Songwriter
  • label:LaMú
  • type:Solo
  • gender:male
  • instrumentation:singer songwriter
  • artist posted by:LaMú

Line up

  • Carlos Alberto Palacio Lopera (Singer and Guitar)


“One of the best Colombian Singer-Songwriters of the past few years.”
Newsweek in Spanish

“One of my favorite contemporary writers of the regular verse and an impressive Sonnet Writer. Pala is awesome, I have a lot of admiration for his work”
Jorge Drexler.

“They say that In Colombia we don't have any good songwriters. But listening to Pala is enough to regain hope. (...) an ingenious and accurate composer, masterful in the use of the Castilian (Spanish) and the resource of the scattered irony in his songs. (...) a curious mix between Joaquín Sabina and Fernando Vallejo, that strengthen him as an implacable observer (...)”
Juan Carlos Garay. SEMANA. Colombia

Litterature flows through Pala’s veins. Skilled for meter and lyrical poetry, he used some of folk, rock and traditional music, to produce a personal mix.”
Héctor González. ARISTEGUI NOTICIAS. México.

He is a different singer-songwriter. Not only because he leaves different messages in his songs, but because the lyrics are done with consciousness and talent.”
Mónica Maristain. SINEMBARGO. México

Without a doubt PALA, the licensed doctor that decided not to practice his profession, because instead of the literal evidence of the body and its diseases he preferred the sublime body of music and poetry (...) it is an artist that deserves to be listened and valued for the literary and rhythmic wealth of his music.”
J. Ladino Gaitán, Doctor in Litterature, Catholic University Pontificia of CHILE

“ There is no doubt that Carlos palacio “Pala” is writing the best lyrics of all our modern music scene. It is like this since his last three or four albums.”
Magazine SEMANA. Colombia.

“ (...) Pala, definitely knows how to write songs (...) First there are his lyrics, than his musical ideas, his melodic creativity and, in the end, his style as a performer. It doesn’t sound old but fresh. It doesn't sour sadness. Pala is good at what he’s doing.”
Alberto Zúñiga. LA NACIÓN. Costa Rica

The artist from the Antioquia region is one of the most outstanding figures of the latin american music in Colombia.”
Juan Carlos Piedrahita. EL ESPECTADOR. Colombia

“ (...) Pala doesn’t have pre-established methods. Some call him a “cult artist”. What is for sure is that his art belongs to an open and inclusive minority. The great paradox is that, however to him everything is ephemeral, his songs remain locally (and far away too) as the evidence of the insatisfaction of a all generation (80’s and maybe the following decades). (..) When the superficiality consumes the world and the oversupply of trash overwhelms us, Pala’s word games invite us to return to the basics: being oneself and that’s it.”
Ana Cristina Restrepo. EL COLOMBIANO

Licensed as a doctor in the University Pontificia Bolivariana of Medellín, he decided to fully dedicate himself to writing songs after starting music studies in the Superior Institute of Arts in La Habana (Cuba).
With nine albums, two books and one DVD, he is considered by the specialized critics as one of the best songwriters in Colombia.
Among others, he won the NATIONAL PRIZE OF MUSIC of the Colombian Cultural Ministry..
He performed in countries like Spain, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela. Peru. Uruguay. Chile. Portugal, Czech Republic, Ecuador and Argentina. He recorded with artists like Jorge Drexler, Javier Ruibal, El Kanka, Rozalén, Coque Malla, Pedro Guerra, David Aguilar and Marta Gómez