Madame Vodevil

Madame Vodevil is a management, booking agency and record, publishing label based in Madrid. We focus on Latin folk and traditional music.

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Madame Vodevil is a management - booking agency and record - publishing label based in Madrid. We focus on the search of hidden talents, generally related to folklore and traditional music. We develop the careers of our artists and authors in a tailor-made way, always with one foot on the international market, especially in Latin America and Europe. We represen the following artist:

Isaac et Nora (Fr)
Silvana Estrada (Mx)
Daniel, Me Estás Matando (Mx)
Valeria Castro (Es)
Emilia y Pablo (Ch)
Anna Colom (Es)

participating in

  • WOMEX 2023
  • WOMEX 2022
  • WOMEX 2021


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