"10 agosto" - Malikì World Orchestra

Malikì World Orchestra
Malikì World Orchestra - 10 agosto


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  • artist:Malikì World Orchestra
  • featured artist:Malikì World Orchestra
  • release year:2023
  • style(s):Cumbia, Mediterranean
  • country:Germany
  • formats:Audio File / Digital
  • record posted by:Malikì Music
  • label:hey!blau
  • publisher:hey!blau


Italo-Cumbia with summer vibes, talks about "San Lorenzo" (10th of august), where shooting stars are falling down over Italian (and European) skies and people go out to the fields to watch this natural spectacle with their families and friends.
Recorded 2023 at Naïve Record Studios in Fano, Italy during our summer tour.